The purpose of bathing a cat is degreasing hair, removing dirt and grime and getting rid of dead undercoat and tangles. A clean cat is a happy cat! 

$185 & UP


Every bath package includes nail trimming, which is typically the first thing that is done. 

Then we move to the bath. I only use premium quality professional cat safe products. I lather and degrease the coat, and if your cat has a stud tail, I work on that.  

When shampoo is completely rinsed off and the coat is squeaky clean, I wrap the cat up in a towel to chill for a few minutes. That’s when the ears and eyes are cleaned with appropriate products. Ear wax is removed and eye gunk is taken care of.

After that it’s time for blow drying, a process that not only dries skin and fur but also removes dead undercoat. 

Lastly, I comb out the hair, leaving it smooth, shiny, and free of tangles. 

Price of the service depends on coat length, its condition and your cat’s temperament. Recommended schedule for a bath package is 4 to 12 weeks.